jared sheldon clinic
The Jared Sheldon Clinic is scheduled at South Bay Polo May 6-7, 2023.

Jared Sheldon Clinic at South Bay Polo
The Jared Sheldon Clinic is set for May 6th-7th at South Bay Polo. On May 6th, we will have our Start the Season Player Party following the clinic! Each player will need two horses each day. Use your own horses or lease from Fran.
The clinic will include morning hitting and riding drills followed by lunch then the afternoon will include scrimmages focusing on game play and strategies. There is no better way to start your 2023 polo season.
Cost is $500 per player for the weekend which includes the clinic, lunch and clinic sweatshirt.
We are also offering an Audit Option. The cost is $125.00 for one day or $250.00 for both days which includes chalk talks, observing the clinic, lunch and clinic sweatshirt.
Space and horses are limited. Click the button below to sign up!!